Meet Scott Hayes
CAD Engineering Director
About Scott
our CAD Engineering Director
9 years in web content and video film production, 2 Years in Embedded Display manufacturing, 3 Years of CAD and ABS manufacturing, Scott, a UCLA graduate, has direct experience working with the PixelNext (and previously Densitron) staff developing product videos. He has recently worked 2 years on our manufacturing line in assembly and test for PixelNext developing a deep understanding of the "Design for Purpose" DislayCORE® product line requirements. Interacting with new programs and custom customer projects has given him the unique insight to see potential product requirements BEFORE they arise. He is now taking the reins as our Computer Aided Design Director.
My Projects
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Short PixelNext Position Statement
At PixelNext, our 15 years entrenched in the industrial display industry has led us to a CRUCIAL belief. Your desire for a"long availability" Instrument Grade or Industrial Grade display can best be managed "BY DESIGN".
Ask us what we mean when we promise you a display that is "Industrial by Design".